Priyanka Chopra, the renowned actress and global icon, leads a wholesome life when she’s not busy with events and commitments. Alongside her DIY skincare hacks, she...
As humans, we make countless decisions every day, from what to wear in the morning to what to eat for dinner. However, have you ever stopped...
In today’s fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become commonplace. With the constant demands of work, family, and social obligations, it’s easy to get caught up...
Apart from the numerous allergic reactions faced by women, sanitary napkins, often a taboo topic has contributed tremendously to toxic waste. Kerala can bid their final...
Summer heat is just growing on and on as days go by, so it’s time that everyone starts talking about their health and giving ourselves...
It is said that there is a connection between mind and yoga, where three things are connected; one is the body, mind, and soul. When...
A lot of causes could be causing your sleepless nights and hazy mornings. Aside from too much screen time and stress, your nutrition has a big...