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These Illustrators Raise Questions On What It Means To Be Women Today



The Queen
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What is art if it is not political? These captivating illustrations raise perennial but modern questions about what it means to be a woman today.

Text Credit: Rheanna Mathews

A look at canonical art shows more men as artists than women, and perhaps this fact may contribute to the argument that it is simply because men are better at everything, including art. This attitude elected to overlook the element of opportunity and how it was denied to women, choosing instead to belittle the subjects chosen by women for their art, terming them – with a snide curl of the lip – ‘women’s issues’. It took centuries for women to claim a place in the canon, and decades for them to reclaim their ‘issues’.
The feminist movement largely helped pave the way, and the social media revolution has ensured that women’s issues and their experiences are out in the open and cannot be ignored. Not only has this given rise to whole generations unafraid of repossessing their agency, it has also seen art itself become more diverse and intersectional.

The three artists featured here are unafraid to address issues that society is grappling with today, from perspectives that bring women and minorities to the fore. Their recognisable individual styles uniquely raise questions concerning the modern woman, her body, her sexuality, her very existence.

We are at a point in time when leaders of state repeal funding for abortion, government reforms do nothing to help and in fact actively make difficult the life of a woman, and mainstream society tries to fit her into a uniform box of their design…a point where the fact that she is a woman makes her a subaltern. From the striking, dreamlike scenes of Janine Shroff to the brightly coloured, eye-catching poster illustrations of Kruttika Susarla and Sreejita Biswas, the featured illustrations not a comprehensive look at these issues, but are from different points in the spectrum, with respect to the questions they raise, and in terms of the manner in which they are expressed.

Artist: Janine Shroff

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Blue Birds

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 In response to the government’s GST

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Fanart for web-show

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The top list of health benefits of apricots is shown below.

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Improves heart health

Given that the fruit is high on fiber content, it helps to reduce the bad cholesterol content in the body, and that means your heart is protected. And at the same time, it increases the good cholesterol. Plus, the potassium content in the fruit balances the electrolyte levels in our system, keeping our heart muscles in order. All you have to do is eat one or two fresh apricots every day, or a handful of dried ones.

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