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Image Consulting: Looking And Feeling Good From Within



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Jainee Gandhi explains all about Image Consulting and how it can be used to boost your self esteem

Text credit: Jainee Gandhi

In layman’s terms, body image is what you think about your body when you look in the mirror or think of yourself. I am going to share my personal experience, learning, unlearning and responsibility as an Image consultant, as an influencer and more importantly as a mother.

Pregnancy is one time where I know most of my friends suffer from negative self-talk about their body. Women commonly indulge in talks about their bodies and weight. I have had body image issues in my mid-20s. My confidence was at an all-time low and with the birth of my son, my body image went on dipping. People feel they are doing you a favour by telling you about how much weight you have gained, or that you cannot / should not wear a certain outfit, or by suggesting exercises and food for weight loss. All this and much more is body shaming if not done with the intent to gain a healthy and fit body and not just a skinny one.

Self image


When I started out as an Image consultant and started working with women clients, I realised that most women irrespective of age suffer from negative body image. Your self-body image should be a mirror of your thoughts. If you don’t respect yourself, don’t love yourself, or if you don’t follow a passion; you will be everything that others want you to be but yourself.

When this self-image is positive, you feel positive about your physical body. Appreciate your body, highlight the part of the body that you are proud of and camouflage the variation. Dress smart and wisely, your image depends on how you are groomed. Take a pledge to not be a part of fashion trends, instead use the styles that suit your body, roles, and goals in life.

As influencers, role models for our kids, their friends, nieces, and nephews, it is our responsibility to bring about this change with every life we touch. We work with various people and train them on body shape, on what colours to wear, what styles to invest in. Making them comfortable with their body should be our top priority.

Style and fashion are two different things. Start loving and accepting your body the way it is, style your shape, don’t be a victim of fashion. It’s not what you wear but how you wear it that makes the difference.

Jainee Gandhi is a certified Image Consultant and founder of Image Edge Academy, Mumbai

Jainee Gandhi



Embracing the Magic of Simple Walking Every Day



In our modern, fast-paced world, where everything seems to be in constant motion, it’s easy to overlook the simple yet profound act of walking. Walking is not just a means of getting from point A to point B; it’s a gateway to a myriad of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. In this blog, we’ll explore the magic of simple walking every day and how it can transform our lives for the better.

Physical Health Benefits:

Walking is one of the most accessible forms of exercise, requiring no special equipment or membership fees. It strengthens the heart, improves circulation, and helps maintain a healthy weight. Regular walking has been linked to a reduced risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. It’s gentle on the joints and can be adapted to any fitness level, making it an ideal form of exercise for people of all ages.

Mental Clarity and Creativity:

Walking has a profound effect on our mental well-being. The rhythmic motion of walking can help clear the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Many great thinkers, from Aristotle to Steve Jobs, have extolled the virtues of walking for sparking creativity and problem-solving. Studies have shown that walking in nature, known as “forest bathing,” can have a calming effect on the mind and improve cognitive function.

Connection with Nature:

Walking provides an opportunity to connect with the natural world, even if it’s just a stroll through a neighborhood park. Spending time outdoors has been shown to boost mood and increase feelings of vitality and happiness. Observing the changing seasons, listening to birdsong, and feeling the sun on your face can foster a sense of awe and wonder.

Social Connection:

Walking can be a social activity, whether it’s taking a leisurely stroll with a friend or joining a walking group in your community. Walking side by side with someone facilitates meaningful conversations and strengthens relationships. Even walking alone can create opportunities for serendipitous encounters with strangers and moments of connection.

Mindfulness and Presence:

Walking can be a form of moving meditation, allowing us to be fully present in the moment. Focusing on the sensations of walking – the rhythm of our breath, the feeling of our feet connecting with the ground – can bring us into a state of mindfulness and awareness. Walking mindfully can help us let go of worries about the past or future and find peace and contentment in the here and now.

In a world that often values speed and efficiency above all else, the simple act of walking reminds us to slow down, savour the moment, and appreciate the beauty of our surroundings. By incorporating regular walks into our daily routine, we can reap a multitude of physical, mental, and emotional benefits that enrich our lives in profound ways. So lace up your shoes, step outside, and discover the magic of simple walking every day.


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Stress Management Techniques: From Meditation to Journaling



In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of daily life. However, managing stress effectively is crucial for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Fortunately, there are various techniques available to help us cope with and reduce stress levels. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective stress management techniques, ranging from meditation to journaling, that can help you find calm and balance in your life.

Mindfulness Meditation:

Mindfulness meditation involves focusing your attention on the present moment, observing your thoughts and sensations without judgment. Practice mindfulness meditation by finding a quiet space, sitting comfortably, and bringing your awareness to your breath or a specific focal point. Regular practice of mindfulness meditation has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

Deep Breathing Exercises:

Deep breathing exercises are simple yet powerful techniques for calming the mind and body. Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, while focusing on the sensation of your breath. Deep breathing exercises can help reduce the body’s stress response, lower blood pressure, and promote relaxation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation:

Progressive muscle relaxation involves tensing and then slowly releasing different muscle groups in the body, promoting relaxation and stress relief. Start by tensing a muscle group, such as your fists or shoulders, for a few seconds, then release and notice the sensation of relaxation. Repeat this process with various muscle groups throughout the body, progressively releasing tension and promoting a state of calm.


Journaling is a therapeutic practice that involves writing down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Set aside time each day to write in a journal, expressing your emotions, worries, and gratitude. Journaling can help clarify your thoughts, process difficult emotions, and gain perspective on stressful situations.

Engaging in Creative Activities:

Engaging in creative activities such as art, music, or writing can be a powerful outlet for stress relief. Allow yourself to express your creativity without judgment or expectations, focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Creative activities can help distract the mind, reduce stress hormones, and foster a sense of joy and fulfillment.

Incorporating stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, journaling, and creative activities into your daily routine can help you build resilience and cope more effectively with life’s challenges. Experiment with different techniques to find what works best for you, and remember to prioritize self-care and relaxation in your quest for a healthier, happier life.


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Tips for Staying Refreshed and Energized This Summer



Summer is a time for fun in the sun, outdoor adventures, and making memories with loved ones. However, the heat and busy schedules can often leave us feeling drained and lethargic. To make the most of this vibrant season, it’s essential to priorities our well-being and energy levels. Here are tips to help you stay refreshed and energized throughout the summer months.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

One of the most crucial aspects of staying energized in the summer is staying hydrated. With the sun beating down and outdoor activities in full swing, it’s easy to become dehydrated quickly. Make it a habit to drink plenty of water throughout the day, and consider adding electrolyte-rich beverages like coconut water to replenish lost nutrients.

Eat Light and Fresh:

Summer is the perfect time to indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables that are hydrating and packed with essential nutrients. Incorporate plenty of salads, smoothies, and light meals into your diet to keep your energy levels high without feeling weighed down.

Stick to a Sleep Schedule:

While the longer days may tempt us to stay up late, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule is vital for feeling refreshed and energized. Aim for seven to nine hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and recharge fully.

Protect Yourself from the Sun:

Exposure to the sun’s rays can drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. Make sure to protect yourself by wearing sunscreen, a wide-brimmed hat, and sunglasses when spending time outdoors. Additionally, seek shade during the hottest parts of the day to prevent overheating.

Take Regular Breaks:

Avoid burnout by taking regular breaks throughout the day, especially if you’re spending long hours in the sun or engaged in physically demanding activities. Schedule time to rest and recharge, whether it’s a quick power nap, a leisurely stroll, or a refreshing swim.

Stay Cool:

Beat the heat by staying cool whenever possible. Keep your home or workspace well-ventilated, use fans or air conditioning as needed, and wear lightweight, breathable clothing. You can also cool off with cold showers, ice packs, or by taking a dip in a pool or the ocean.

Practice Mindfulness:

In the midst of summer activities and excitement, it’s essential to take moments for mindfulness and relaxation. Whether it’s through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply enjoying quiet time outdoors, practicing mindfulness can help reduce stress and boost your energy levels.

Listen to Your Body:

Above all, listen to your body and priorities self-care. Pay attention to how you’re feeling physically and emotionally, and don’t hesitate to adjust your activities or rest when needed. By honoring your body’s needs, you’ll be better equipped to stay refreshed and energized throughout the summer season.

With these tips, you can make the most of your summer while staying refreshed, energized, and ready to embrace all the season has to offer. By prioritizing hydration, sleep, healthy habits, and self-care, you’ll be able to fully enjoy the sunshine and create lasting memories with those you love. So go ahead, soak up the sun, and make this summer your best one yet!

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